Send Common Sense To Olympia!

Welcome to the campaign to bring Common Sense ideas back to Olympia and a NEW direction for Legislative District 46!

We need to have the hard conversations and change the dynamics of politics in our state. Let’s look at the challenges through a common sense lens and fix what is broken in our district and our state!

Meet Simone Barron

Simone Barron is a 30 year hospitality professional. She has spent the last 8 years advocating for service industry workers and the protection of freedoms and incomes that their jobs provide.

Simone understands the value of working hard! If elected, she promises to roll up her sleeves and get to work on day one with a focus for a more affordable state, unrelentless support of our precious small businesses, and making our safety a priority.

“Nothing that is worthwhile is ever easy. Many of us in the LD 46 have become disenchanted with the current policies that are increasing the cost of living in our district and our wonderful state. We need to tackle this crisis head on.” - Simone Barron