Stack Me Up Against the Incumbent!

What I’m about:

  • Lowering Taxes on Individuals and Families

  • Healing First over Housing First

  • Restoring unity in our community

  • Accountability and Advocacy over Activism

  • American Capitalism, Free Markets, Competition

  • Freedom of Choice

  • Pro Law Enforcement

  • Pro Accountability for Criminals

  • Pro Small Business and community investment

  • Real World Experience working and raising a child

  • Pro School Choice

  • Pro Common Sense

  • Reasonable Regulation on Development to incentivize middle housing

  • Energy Choice to lower energy costs

  • Pro Minimum Wage reform

  • Pro making sure we all get a return on our tax investment for our district and our state

  • Bonus: As a service industry worker, I am pro tipping culture and will support NO TAX ON TIPS

What The Incumbent Champions:

  • Raising Taxes on Everyone

  • Letting people fester in addiction and mental illness on our streets and calling it compassion

  • Sewing division through activism

  • Supports Growing Government and the Public Sector

  • Anti-Freedoms

  • Anti-Police/ACAB

  • Helps Craft/Votes for Soft on Crime Policy

  • Rubber Stamp for Bob Ferguson and Jay Inslee

  • No real working experience outside of the Public Sector

  • Only Public Schools and Teachers Unions for your kids

  • Pro High Rents Via Climate Regulations

  • Pro perpetual Wage Hikes that increase our cost of living

  • Pro High Property Taxes to fund social activist policy that isn’t working